2. Kerület
Tárogató Office Center building
2-4 Tárogató út
1021 Budapest
+36 20 555 9851
Kérjük, hogy 9:00 és 17:00 között hívj bennünket.
12. Kerület
1124 Budapest, Apor Vilmos tér 25-26.
+36 20 555 9851
Kérjük, hogy 9:00 és 17:00 között hívj bennünket.
Hálásak vagyunk a kedves szavakért, amiket a több száz, már ESB-t megjárt gyermek szüleitől kapunk!
I think Ms. Marcel has the talent and drive to keep my children engaged throughout the classes. She is very patient, flexible, encouraging and emphasizes the positive side of all things. As a result, Adam, my son, has improved tremendously over the past year. I heard him read his composition aloud and the phrases he used and his pronunciation were just unbelievable to me. I also heard him deliver a presentation, where he used his own words instead of reading out the slides and he demonstrated that he has the confidence to use the language even if he makes a mistake here and there. Learning from an engaging native speaker makes a huge difference. It also enables my son to listen to and understand other native speakers who present about various things of interest to him. That, on the other hand, boosts his English even more. I couldn't wish for more as a parent.
We speak English at home, so had an idea of how our daughter have improved in the last months. However, seeing her and her classmates to present their topics impressed us very much. Their vocabulary, way of communicating, and also the respect to each other was beyond our expectations. I would also highlight how they provided feedback to each others: with respect, focusing and emphasizing the good things, and suggesting things to improve without any negative criticism. Well done, thank you for the experience!!
I think, Szofi's English improved a lot during this year. She enjoys the lessons and she is always in a good mood after classes... The children are being taught in a playful and light hearted way, which is much better than in the school... We are looking forward to continue next year... 🙂
It was a pleasure to see how the kids got involved in all kinds of activities, how confident they are in presenting in English in various topics. They made great progress in terms of vocabulary and fluency compared to the beginning of the year. Teachers are always kind and well-prepared, good job to ESB! 🙂
I wanted to let you know that my daughter absolutely loves your classes! She is very excited to go every single time. Thank you so much for this, we are very happy
Kindergarten Group
Így kell megszerettetni egy új nyelvet egy gyerekkel. Köszönöm szépen, nagyon hálás vagyok!
Kindergarten Group
Nagyon köszönjük, hogy vagytok! ritkán látom ennyire lelkesnek a fiamat.
Beginner group
Nagyon köszönjük a szuper órákat, a lányom nagyon szeret járni!
Foundation 2
Köszönöm, hogy nem egész egy év alatt elértétek Szofinál, hogy angolul olvassa a Harry Pottert! Köszönöm, hogy az év elején az általános iskolában, az angol tanár azt mondta az osztálynak, az lenne a cél, hogy év végére mindenki úgy beszéljen 5 percig angolul, ahogy a Szofi. Köszönöm, hogy csak sikerélménye van a gyereknek az angollal kapcsolatban! Nem tudom, hogy csináljátok, de soha nem látom verejtékben úszva angolt tanulni és még is halad a tananyaggal. Egyszerűen a mai lehangoló magyar oktatási helyzetben egy üdítőkivétel az angol órátok, ahová örömmel megy a gyerekem! Szóval köszönöm Neked is és a tanároknak is!
AndreaLiteracy 2