Positions Available

Information for Potential Teachers at the English School of Budapest

The English School of Budapest is seeking additional part-time teachers due to expansion!


The English School of Budapest (ESB) is Hungary’s leading provider of English literacy classes to children aged 6 to 15. Education at our school occurs exclusively in small groups, and our curriculum is based upon the National Curriculum for England and Wales. We provide courses for a wide range of ages and abilities, from young beginners to teens preparing for university studies in English. Classes are held weekdays after school and on Saturday mornings. We also hold regular community events and our work is supplemented by a Parent-Teacher Association. Our school is also authorized by the Hungarian Ministry of Education to hold for-credit teacher trainings for (mostly) Hungarian teachers of English; such trainings are held twice each academic year.
Our school focuses on maintaining active learning, and lessons are organized around six-week units covering a variety of topics. Group work is emphasized, and in addition to more traditional “tests” at the end of each unit, a variety of more modern assessments (presentations, videos, debates, posters, creative writing) are also used to evaluate student growth and learning. Finally, the school maintains a Home Learning Site which provides extension activities for children to continue their studies independently at home.

We are looking for a teacher who:

    • Teaches English literacy to both second language learners and native speakers
    • Motivates students to learn and do their best
    • Has a friendly and cheerful disposition and works well in a team
    • Contributes to school life and to events
    • Welcomes new students into their classrooms at any time
    • Promotes our school in the community and to new parents
     The candidate must be/have:
    • a native speaker of English
    • Qualified and certified teacher status (PGCE, teaching licensure from a US state, etc)
    • Experience as a primary/elementary school teacher and/or a secondary teacher
    • An ambitious individual who wishes to develop their own skills and experience
    • A person who enjoys the creativity of managing his or her own classroom and working environment.
    • Candidates holding a Master’s Degree and/or a Ph.D are preferred
    What we can offer you:
    • A salary that allows a comfortable standard of living
    • Continuous training and personal development
    • Exposure to the newest teaching methodologies
    • An informal and fun working environment with a supportive, inspirational team
    If you are interested in working at ESB, please send your CV with three email addresses for references (including your current employer) to info@englishschool.hu

Information for Potential Teachers at the English School of Budapest

Who we are

ESB provides to children in Hungary a British education focusing on English and literacy learning through cross curricular methodology.


Pupil-centred, rigour, creativity, structured learning

Core ideology

  • Commitment to excel
  • Build a creative English world to engage children
  • Educate for skills and language knowledge
  • Maximise student and family participation in school and at home.
  • Team that supports and inspires

Jövőbeni célkitűzések

ESB teaches English to children in a uniquely effective and innovative way. ESB will become recognised as Hungary’s centre of excellence for teaching and learning English for children and educators.

Whom do we appoint?

  • Qualified and experienced primary and secondary native speaker teachers
  • Ability to teach both native speaker and second language learners
  • Creative, yet rigorous approach to lesson planning and delivery
  • Strong communication skills for all aspects of school life, in the classroom and with parents and colleagues
  • Friendly and cheerful disposition and the ability to work within a team
  • A desire to be involved and contribute to the continued development of an excellent school and the realisation of its vision

What we can offer

  • A salary that allows a comfortable standard of living in Budapest
  • Local health insurance
  • An ongoing professional development programme
  • The chance to join an informal, committed and supportive team of teachers in this exciting period of expansion and development
  • The opportunity to live in one of Europe’s most historic, cultured and liveable cities

Bemutatkozik Oktatási Igazgatónk

Daniel Russell amerikai születésű, tanári mesterképzésben részesült, és több éves tapasztalattal rendelkezik mind az Egyesült Államokban, mind külföldön közép- és alapfokú szinten. Dan 2017 óta az ESB csapat tagja!

Szenvedélyem a kisiskolás korcsoport oktatása és valóban hiszem, hogy minden gyermek egyedi, aki megérdemli a lehetőséget, hogy tanuljon és felfedezze mindazt, amit széles e világ nyújt!
Positions Available, English School of Budapest
Positions Available, English School of Budapest

Tanáraink és csapatunk

Büszkék vagyunk tanári karunkra, akik fiatalok, lelkesek és nagyon-nagyon barátságosak!

Now registration is open for 2024-25 school year

Iratkozz fel az ESB hírlevélre!

Ne maradj le a hírekről!